ST. Joseph: Foster Father of the Son of God

ST. Joseph: Foster Father of the Son of God

ST. Joseph: Foster Father of the Son of God
  • To some, St Joseph may seem an enigma. His recorded words in scripture are  none-yet  the power and significance of his presence and role in the life of Jesus Christ  cannot be measured. Perhaps he is the original “Quiet Man.”. 
    -The Scriptures are replete with examples of Jesus praying to his Heavenly Father. The Son of Man constantly prays throughout his life, and most powerfully from the cross: “Father,  into your hands I commend my spirit. “ Yet there is  no doubt that Saint Joseph’s significance in his life as a real earthly father was monumental.
  • Perhaps  his most powerful role was that of protector: for Mary, that she might safely deliver the child Jesus , and for  both Mary and Jesus that the horror and threat of death from Herod might  not come to pass.  Joseph was truly a powerful protector and provider. Without  him one wonders if Jesus would have   survived the  early years  of his life.
      It’s  no secret that the “father wound” in our society today is  not only extensive  but sometimes even fatal, especially for those children whose fathers are not just physically absent but also emotionally absent, particularly at critical moments and times of a child’s life.  The father wound can also be expressed buy a father who is very critical and not affirmative or supportive and even abusive. I have many times been present when a father of many years, with tears in his eyes, sometimes on his deathbed, has apologized to an  adult son for his absence through  decades  of failed promises throughout  the child’s life.      
  • I have also met and admired hundreds –  if not thousands – of  fathers who, at great sacrifice, have given a  rich gift to their  children: the gift of love through time shared together,  talents affirmed  and explored, and the rich treasure of faith that will be passed on for many generations in the family and beyond. 
       May we then, in this special year, dedicated to ST. JOSEPH, recognize and appreciate  all fathers, especially in this day and age when being a father is such a difficult call – but a sacred  gift as well.  We also pray to ST. JOSEPH to intercede for us that the love of Jesus and the power of his gift of life may strengthen FATHERS  everywhere to be all  they can be, especially to the children who love them so much.